It is a truth universally acknowledged...

This blog is dedicated to truths which I hold as universally acknowledged. That love is a necessity. Good food, drinks, and friends should never part. That books, those all-consuming and wondrous things, are living, breathing entities with souls and personalities all their own. Any individual that has not read Jane Austen has not lived. That life without an animal or two is incomplete. Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT need to learn from all mistakes; some mistakes are just mistakes and should be left as such. That your job is your job and your life is your life; the two should never mingle nor become blurred. Every once in a while, you should see the stars from a campsite in the mountains...just see them, appreciate them, wonder at their existence, clarity, and beauty, and enjoy a smoky fire under their guiding and unobstructed light, all the while avoiding frollicking embers that seem to cheerfully yet mockingly chase you from stump to stump as you roast your marshmallow and breath in the intoxicating scent of pine needles and harken to nature's own lullaby.

That life is messy, beautiful, incredibly difficult, and simultaneously simple all at once...

My universally acknowledged truths go on for an eternity and this is what my blog is about...all the truths that I hold as dear and quintessential to a fulfilling life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


My experience at yoga tonight. Here's the play-by-play of what goes on in my over-active brain that refuses to shut the hell off...

Rush, rush, rush. I'm going to be late for yoga! Shit, I better stress myself out to get there on time because who wants to walk into a yoga class late for Christ's sake? Stress, flip off the lady that just cut me off, stress, stress in order to relax, unwind, and let go. Oxymoronic, no?

Walk in. Everybody's already stretching and they all look so damn peaceful and superior. Who's this chick that's walking in late? Doesn't she realize that she's disturbing my chi? Give me a fucking break. I pay fees at this gym, so the way I see it I pay to be late.

OK, I've got my mat unrolled. Look up at the instructor...What am I supposed to be doing? Downward dog, oh. Gotcha. Downward dog, check. Switching to child's pose, OK. When does the real yoga start? This warm up crap is nice and all but it's not going to make me look good in the new bikinis I bought for Italy. Let's get this going lady, come on. Picking up the pace a bit, this is better. Oh, that girl's doing it better than me. I need to lower my warrior pose so that I've got the best damn warrior pose in here. I'm not going to let some chubby girl beat me. Ha. Mine's better, my quads and hamstrings are obviously much stronger than yours (I'm uber-competitive if you can't tell. People don't even have to know that they're competing with me, that's irrelevant because I've already turned it into a competition without their knowledge.).

What the hell are we listening to? I came here to relax and zone out while simultaneously getting a work out in (multi-tasking at its best), not listen to your shitty music that is totally not conducive to either relaxing or zoning out.

This random stream of consciousness continues for some time...

Then we come to the cool down.

What?!? It's already over? I haven't relaxed yet! I didn't zone out and clear my mind yet! And worst of all, I didn't get a decent sweat going!

Instructor (in the kind of voice you imagine every yoga instructor having, zen-like to the point of cheesiness): "Let your legs fall down, straighten your knees. Allow your palms to face up towards the sky, open them. Relax your jaw, relax your brow, relax your body. Let everything slip away."

Me: "Yeah, let me 'relax' my entire body. Let me do just that. If I could, I wouldn't be here lady. The guy next to me can, he's almost asleep. What's wrong with me? Oh, it's raining outside. I should go running in the rain instead of on the treadmill. I like running in the rain."

Instructor: "Begin to let consciousness come back to you. Let awareness slowly come back."

Me: "What the hell are you talking about? 'Let awareness come back'? It was never gone!"

Instructor: "Slowly wiggle your toes."

My toes spasm like the love child of ADHD and schizophrenia.

Instructor: "Open your palms slowly, one finger at a time."

My hand SNAPS open. Then shuts. Like the jaws of a venus fly trap (Tangent: Whenever I think of this plant I think of my brother because he used to have one and love them.).

Instructor: "Rotate your ankles slowly in one direction, then the other. Now rotate your wrists in one direction, then the other."

Me: "Ohmygodjustletmeup!"

Namaste. Yoga's over. I then make my way upstairs to the treadmill for my run and finally get some peace and quiet while paying attention to nothing but the sweat making trails on my forehead, falling to oblivion and being spit out on the back of the treadmill, and the pounding of my feet on the track as I run to the beat of the music streaming through my headphones, taking the direct route to my brain and bodily forcing everything else out. Maybe I don't need yoga. Maybe my brain and body need a more active release. I'll probably still go to yoga though.

A peek into my mind. Not sure how this is a universally acknowledged truth...just one of my truths.


  1. Well...I can't decide if this is funny or concerning ;) haha...that's the point of yoga though...for me anyways, to leave everything at the door and take time for yourself with no worries or to-do's in mind...glad you aren't giving up on it. We all have different types of "therapy" and trust your body on what is best for you...

    Thank you for the sweet card...meant a lot to me...especially after the weekend competition, which is totally not my you :)

  2. Also possibly concerned by your story, but it is funny. I think you got it figured out though. Stress release and relaxation are two different things. You like to run to relieve stress, and I know you can relax at home with your family. You may be too competitive to gain relaxation from group exercise? Nothing wrong with that though. -trevor

  3. Seems to be a little concern for you in this family. I laughed a lot. I think you should clean it up and submit it as a newspaper piece. Don't give up on the is a good thing.

  4. Well, all I can say is you would have been "challenged" at the spring forest qigong session I attended a couple weeks ago! ;)

  5. "My toes spasm like the love child of ADHD and schizophrenia." Laughed out loud.

    Good luck figuring out Yoga. I'm just happy to have someone tell me what to do for an hour -- and I don't really have to do it :)
